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AED 0.00


standard delivery


AED 0.00

5% VAT charge included



Latest version: 02/13/2025

The following terms and conditions apply to all orders placed by the customer (hereinafter referred to as, “you”) with LMN Ltd., hereinafter referred to as “LMN,” “us,” or “we,” at the LMN website or mobile website (jointly referred to as “lmn.com”).

By using lmn.com and/or placing an order, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out herein (the “Terms”). Please make sure you have read and understood the Terms before placing your order.

LMN reserves the right to restrict different areas for delivery during certain times of the year. This could be due to adverse weather conditions that exist in these areas which hinder delivery.

The inclusion of any products or services on lmnofficial.com at a particular time does not imply or guarantee that these products or services will be available at any time. We reserve the right to discontinue any product at any time.

We reserve the right to amend these Terms from time to time without prior notice to you. The version of the Terms that will apply to your order will be those on lmnofficial.com at the time you place your order.

LMN wants to provide the best possible online experience. To make this possible, we need to ensure that our services run smoothly. You understand and agree not to:

(i) post, transmit, redistribute, upload, or promote any communications or content that could harm or negatively impact our business, products, or services.

(ii) act in a manner or employ any device that restricts, impairs, interferes, or inhibits any other user from using or enjoying the lmnofficial.com site, or which impacts the security of the site; or

(iii) employ any device or attempt to use any engine, software, tool, agent, script, or other device or mechanism (including, without limitation, spiders, bots, crawlers, avatars, or intelligent agents) to navigate or search the site, or to copy content from the site.

We reserve the right to immediately bar access to the site and close the account of any user who violates this provision or any other provision in these Terms and Conditions.

Ownership of Rights

Latest version: 02/13/2025

Any use of lmnofficial.com or its contents, including copying or storing such content in whole or part, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use, is prohibited without the permission of LMN.


Latest version: 02/13/2025

LMN exercises the utmost diligence in accepting and processing orders and will endeavour to deliver your order in accordance with your selected delivery option.
LMN strives to dispatch orders in the fastest possible time and in the order in which they are placed. Though we aim to deliver within the communicated time-frame, delivery may take longer due to unexpected events. In the unlikely event the delivery time exceeds 30 days, you may cancel your order.
Before you place your order, you will be informed of the expected delivery details. Once you have placed your order, you will receive an email confirmation with your expected delivery details.
If your order does not arrive by the scheduled date, please contact LMN Customer Service via email (I am not sure of the email address for LMN customer service). 

Prices and Delivery Charges

Latest version: 02/13/2025

The prices displayed on lmnofficial.com include the statutory Value Added Tax (VAT) but do not include a delivery charge. The cost for each delivery method is clearly indicated during the checkout process. (we need to check with them if the prices will be VAT included or excluded) 


Latest version: 02/13/2025

Once you have placed your order, if you have supplied us with your email address, you will receive an email confirmation. If, for any reason, we are unable to fulfill your order, we will let you know at the earliest opportunity.
If we have already received payment for such an order, we will attempt to refund the applicable amount using the same method used to make the payment. If, for any reason, alternative arrangements are necessary, we will notify you and ask you to contact our Customer Service team, who will settle the refund.
